Animation Press and websites!
Stay informed!
Keep it up with the latest animation news! Latest movie releases, new edge technologies and industry milestones. Here are few great medias dedicated to the animation industry.
English and French articles mostly up to dates, they are coverning many events from Annecy Festivals to Siggraph. They even make great interviews, check it up!
Cartoon Brew
English news and articles about animation industry. Focus on releases, authors and industry politics.
French news and articles about animation industry. Focus on releases, authors and industry politics.
Animation Magazine
Great animation news magazine.
This one is mostly 2d oriented, not so much about animation, but full of great illustrations, tutos and tips.
3D Wolrd
Magazine 3D plutôt généraliste (Anglophone)
Actus logiciels, tutos, interviews...
Animation resources
Here is a collection of excellent resources for animators: books to learn animation, podcasts to get inspired, press and websites to follow the news, an animation festival calendar, reference footage, and so much more!
Don't forget to join communities to get help and create a network!