Do you like spooky random spreadsheets?
Me too!
Here is a compilation of useful spreadsheet to find out about salaries, schools, resources, jobs and more!
What is the 3d animator salary?
SaltyAnimators is a funny instagram account to follow (Link)
He/She created this spreadsheet for everyone to share 3d animator salary with the world.
A very great tool to know countries / companies salary ranges.
Animation - VFX - Game Industry job posting
Are you looking for a job? LinkedIn is amazing, but did you know about this spreadsheet?
Find out latest 3d animation job and VFX job.
PuccaNoodles's Compiled Animation & Art Resource Sheet
Are you looking for Art inspiration? Animation tutorials? Drawing courses?
Check this out.
Looking for an animation mentor?
Are you looking for mentors, tutorials or online school?
Rigs, tools, assets, references... Animator Database spreadsheet.
Well organized spreadsheet with many great resources.
Feedback from studio workers
Want to hear from people who worked in specific studios? Find studio reviews here;
Disclaimer: Keep in mind those data are subjective, please make your own research, I am not the author of those spreadsheets.